Offer ideas Other major needs of WhatsApp Mobile Number List users and especially when dates such as Christmas or Mother’s Day or Father approach, not knowing what to give your loved ones. Meet this need and show it in the title you’re going to help with that task. Example: 10 gifts with which you will not fail. 22.- Generate a feeling of need If there is anything, you do not like is feeling out of a circle and have the feeling of being lost things that are to last at that time. Take advantage of this situation and make matters creative email Based on this technique. Example: You’re the only one who has not seen this. 23.-Use it for sweepstakes or special offers only through the message Another strategy that never fails is to use some messages to offer special coupons or sweepstakes offers that only users who have received the email will enjoy. No users hesitate to open a message as well.

Example: In this message you have a discount coupon. 24.-Make users feel unique Care about contact with users, and always make them feel unique and special. Try to make them feel that you are working for them and the most important thing for you is always your well-being and happiness. Example: Mary, this offer is just for you. 25.-Avoid using capital letters and special characters Excessive capitalization, exclamation marks, quotation marks or hyphens for example make the user relate the message as spam and do not open. Therefore, a small use of these items is fine, but without abusing them because otherwise nothing will if the mail ends up in the spam mailbox.